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Gift Card

Gift Card

Can't find any gift ideas? Looking for a last minute gift? Are you looking for a committed brand to introduce to a friend or your family? Why not consider our e-gift card? You choose the amount and you let the lucky one choose what suits them best among all our products. Our e-gift card is valid for life on our e-shop. Once the payment has been validated, it will be sent to you by e-mail so that you can print it directly at home!

Regular price €25,00
Regular price Sale price €25,00
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

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We act for a circular and more responsible fashion

To reduce our impact on the planet, we have chosen to use existing materials from fabric scraps and used plastic bottles.
Discover our recycled materials

Our eco-friendly clothes are certified by labels

To ensure the traceability of our recycled materials and the production methods used, we have selected partners who share our values ​​and are able to provide us with recognized certifications.
Discover our labels

Our clothes are made in France

One of our commitments is to contribute to the relocation of the textile industry in France to support the local economy and all the people who work on our various projects.
Discover our Atelier